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Top Tips for your Online Shop

Do you have a product to sell and are thinking of launching an e-commerce website Here are some things to consider before you jump into the online shop world!


Is it worth it?


First things first – research, research, research. Conduct surveys, give out samples and really refine your products before you fly in and invest in an e-commerce website. You want to be sure your products will sell online, to ensure you get good return on investment.


Consider Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


How will people know about your products if they can’t find them online? No one will land on your website ‘accidently’, so unless people know the direct URL, your level of traffic will be low. SEO can push your website to the top of search rankings and increase sales.


Make it recognisable


When you hire a company to design your website (“us”!) make sure you have a great logo and brand that is really prominent on the page. If you want your company to be recognisable then having a good logo, that represents your product or service as soon as a user visits the website, is a given. Having a brand image also helps with trust, giving customers reassurance that you are a reputable business.


Entice them to buy


There is a lot of competition out there, so your e-commerce websites needs to grip people’s attention. So how do you shine amongst them all? Your website has to be easy to navigate and straightforward to use. A user will want to find what they are looking for quickly, so make sure you have obvious ‘store’ and ‘buy’ buttons to entice users towards your products.


Have offers


Give your customers an extra incentive to buy. Offer them free shipping or another promotion like a free gift with orders over a certain price. Position these on the page in eye-catching places. People love free things, so appeal to them with something a little extra.


Personalise it


People who purchase things from your website will want to be able to look back at their orders. If they want to login with personal information, not only does this give you an email address for marketing communications but also means they are likely to come back again and again. Be sure to still give people the option to order without signing up, because sometimes this will put people off.


Basket & search box


This may seem obvious but sometimes these vital parts of an e-commerce website sometimes get forgotten about. A search box on an e-commerce website which has loads of products can be very helpful. It will save the user from trawling through all the pages to find what they need.


A shopping basket or cart is also a necessity on an e-commerce website, so users can add items and see them all laid out and the final cost so they can review their order.


Final things to consider


Think about including social media icons on your header or footer, so that it appears on every page. This way it encourages people to share their purchases and push your name out there. Having your payment icons on each page of your website are also useful, as users can see automatically if you are accepting their payment method.


Also, have call to actions like live chats or contact numbers high up on your website. This way people who encounter difficulties will be encouraged to contact you automatically, rather than leaving your website and giving up. This will save them time and stress while giving you the opportunity to use your customer service skills!


So, there you have it, some top things to think about before you embark on the journey through the online e-commerce world! You can see our e-commerce work at our portfolio too!

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