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30 Day Challenge Part 2 – Days 8 and 10

Day 8

So for the last week the team worked surrounded by dust sheets after our day four painting extravaganza. I was out on the road for the week, so I missed all of the disruption …sneaky me! 😉


We finally managed to get some time sorted out to do another half day’s painting on Friday afternoon, which also marked day 8 of the challenge.


We had hoped that it would just be a case of finishing off the cutting in, but upon further investigation, we reluctantly came to the conclusion that the whole office needed a second coat!


Both Rosie and Elly were working to hit deadlines (or were they!?) so the rest of us picked up our brushes and just painted around them!



Rosie joined in after a couple of hours and we went a bit nuts ensuring we could give the office a second coat before the day was done. It was a bit intense (understatement of the year) but by 4pm, all the walls had the second coat, the cutting in was finished, and the masking tape was coming off the ceiling and skirting boards, ooh that was satisfying!



If we say so ourselves, the end result is awesome! We were giving ourselves multiple pats on the back once we realised we could be decorators on the side 😉


Sure we still have other areas of the office to paint, the whiteboard walls to do and all of the furniture to put back, but that’s for another day.


I was off on annual leave for a couple of days after this so I’ll hand the reins over to Elli (with an i) for the day 10 update…


Day 10


After pushing all the desks back on Monday morning, we loved how good the walls were starting to look. The light grey looked super slick and clean. It wasn’t long before we were desperate to get the paintbrushes out!


So by the afternoon, we were laying the dust sheets out once again, we painted the accent wall, opposite the door, and the wall at the very end of the office dark grey (Asphalt, as the paint pot said!) and it’s looking great. A couple of us also finished painting the kitchen and now the walls are ready for some funky patterns, typography, imagery, and whatever else we decide to put up!


It’s starting to look real good, and with two weeks left, we can’t wait to show you all the finished product!



Our inspiration area taking shape…



The accent wall – our logo will be painted here, what do you think of the colours?

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