With the emphasis on social media today, most businesses know the importance of implementing the appropriate platforms for their business. This is a great step, but the next thing to get your head around is writing the social content. It may seem straightforward, but it’s actually more difficult than you think.
The way you represent yourself on social media can effect your company’s reputation and credibility, so you need to ensure that you’re posting relevant content, in the correct way.
Whether you’re new to social media or you want to develop – as there’s always room for improvement – these tips will definitely help you!
1. Don’t try to sell too much!
Overly selling and constantly promoting your business will put your audience off right away. The point of your posts is to provide interesting and engaging material that your followers will enjoy and benefit from.
You’re aiming to establish yourself and your business, so when your audience needs your services or products, you’ll be at the forefront of their minds.
2. Don’t over-share and not too much
Over sharing could compromise your professionalism. Show your community that you’re dignified and give them just enough that they’ll want to know more.
Posting too often is also a no-no. People don’t want to see your posts clogging up their feed, so post at appropriate times, with what you feel is useful to your audience.
3. Oh, but don’t under-share either!
Not giving your audience enough content can be just as bad as over-sharing. What’s the point in having social media if you don’t have a presence?
Post regularly so your audience are getting enough content at the appropriate times. A typical amount is two to three times a day, but that may differ on the platform or information you are looking to share.
4. Keep your content short and snappy
My advice is that you to keep your social media posts short and to the point. With Twitter you have 140 characters to interest your audience and if you want them to read further include links to encourage them.
Although social networks like Facebook allow you to share longer written content, still try and keep it concise to maintain their attention. People want to see content that they can scan quickly, so keep that in mind when posting.
5. Proofread, proofread, proofread
Your social media content is representing you as a company so you need to ensure that everything you post is proofread, several times if needs be. You may be thinking, ‘yeah, yeah’, but honestly one tiny grammar or spelling mistake can effect how your audience look at you professionally.
Rather than focusing on your amazing content, their eyes will be on that error and then on to a competitor. If something does slip through the net, don’t panic. Just go back into the platform and delete the post (if no-one has commented against it). Simple.
6. Save the slang for the office
We all love a ‘cry face’ emoji and throw around the ‘lolz’, but try and refrain from using them in your social media posts. Even if your target audience is pretty cool with that kind of thing, always maintain your professionalism.
7. We love it when a plan comes together
There’s always room for planning, so before you go on a posting spree, work out a plan. Take time to research what interests your audience, what they want to know and when it’s best to post. Taking these into account you can set yourself goals and milestones to achieve too.
Put this all together and you can create the right content for your target audience, which will obviously lead to awesome results 😉
8. Be professional, but have a bit of fun
Social media is about communicating with your audience and networking to build relationships. It’s important to keep in mind that you’re representing your company, but you have to be approachable, friendly and welcoming.
Social media is great because you can show a more human side to your audience. The aim is to be conversational, while simultaneously maintaining your company’s credibility and values.
9. Write with a purpose
When you’re posting content make sure it has a point behind it. Are you posting for it to be shared, inform, sell? Whatever the purpose, tailor your writing to fit it. This will enhance your posts and provide your audience with what they want and need. Also, it will add so much more value to your content, which will ultimately go further.
10. Get personal
The first step is being conversational, but there’s not really much point in posting if you can’t connect with your audience. Make the effort to communicate with them, encourage them to give their opinions and thoughts and share information that they’ll enjoy. Your audience are your potential clients too, so be personable and give off the right vibes.
If you’re new to social media or you’re struggling to find the time to manage it, we offer tailored social media marketing services. We can help enhance your social presence and ultimately increase that ROI of yours!